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Internships available

This position is currently unpaid, although a small stipend may become available depending on future funding decisions. However, the internship will provide excellent training for anyone considering a future in spirulina production, marketing and research in cosmetics and nutraceuticals. We request a minimum commitment of 6 to 8 hours a day, with up to 45 hours a week available. Scheduling is flexible and could include a variety of weekdays as well as Saturdays.


To Apply

Send cover letter explaining your background, experience and why you are interested in our internship position, and a 200 own words description about spirulina in a innovative presentation with a resume to:

Applications Are Due: Ongoing

Internships Available for

- Research

- Marketing

- Administration

Apply now

Thanks for registering. See you there!

Applicants will be shortlisted by our team based on their writing about them and the resume. Which purely depends on their dedication and interest towards learning. The applicants shortlisted are conveyed via phone & mail.

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